Monday, August 17, 2009

Does prep ever stop?

Ok, so every time I think I've got a handle on things the 17 day trip becomes a little overwhelming . Just with my nutritional food supplies I couldn't believe what I needed to pack up. I know what I like and I didn't want to have to go shopping every other day while on the road. So backpacking food and other little tid bits were the plan. What I'm taking with me is only good to get to Missoula where I can restock. My Ergon pack will definitely get a workout on this trip too. 

Another addition to the moto was an Odyssey dry cell battery. It's super strong and can sit for months without needing a charge. With so many accessories needing power (off road lights, heated grips, heated jacket, GPS, Ipod, phone, air compressor, you get the idea) I don't want to be stuck in the middle of nowhere not being able to start the bike. So in it goes!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Nate,
    I met you this morning going to the SM farmers market. Judging by your pictures and comments you must have had a great trip.
    May be we can hook up one of these days and go on a ride together.
    Michael-Ktm 990 Adventure

